Massage Techniques
Massage Therapy aids in relaxing muscles to relieve tension, and inflammation. After injury soft tissues muscles tendons tend to swell which impedes blood flow and the healing process of the soft tissues. All of the massage styles below are designed to enhance lymphatic drainage, fluid exchange and allow the body to return to its previous state using its own natural healing process.
Adjustment methods and techniques:
Massage Therapy: San Diego Health and Wellness Centers help aid their patients in relaxing muscles to relieve tension, and inflammation. After injury soft tissues muscles tendons tend to swell which impedes blood flow and the healing process of the soft tissues. All of the massage styles below are designed to enhance lymphatic drainage, fluid exchange and allow the body to return to its previous state using its own natural healing process.
Deep Tissue Massage: is commonly misunderstood. It is not a massage in which deep pressure is applied by some overbearing massage therapist. This forces the muscles to tense up rather than therapeutically relaxing them. Rather it’s a massage that addresses the deeper tissues of the body. Deep tissue massage is generally used for chronic pain involving long standing adhesions and scar tissue over time.
Sports Massage: is a specific type of massage which typically involves athletes pre-event or post event or for recovering from injuries specific to sports related activities. These are typically a series of strokes and methods usually incorporating deep tissue massage and myofascial release to enhance performance or treat existing injuries.
Trigger Point Therapy: is a type of massage technique using focal pressure to relieve pain and stress. The regions address are typically hyper irritable and prone to inflammation and tenderness. Palpation of the region typically reproduces the patient’s symptoms as well as can radiate to other regions of the body.
Our Massage Therapists cover San Diego County and will utilize the above mentioned techniques, including Deep Tissue Massage to rehabilitate injured muscles and nerves, reduce disabilities, promote mobility and improve a patient’s quality of life. Our San Diego Massage Therapists utilize Deep Tissue Massage techniques giving special attention to the spine, joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments and nerves to achieve optimal results.
Deep Tissue Massage San Diego